Kamis, 17 April 2014

Slim Without Diet, Is it possible?

Slim Without Diet, Is it possible?

Many people want to look slim, but do not want to do a strict diet. Could it be slim without dieting? Probably. We can perform the following steps to eating healthy foods, to slim without diet is not a problem.
Slim Without Diet Slim Without Diet, Is it possible?
We do not need to do a strict diet and tough  just perform the steps below to lose weight . In addition, we perfected healthy eating with regular exercise. Not only slim without diet, our body will be healthy.

Slim Without Diet Way

Reduce simple carbohydrates.
All forms will be processed carbohydrates into glucose, the simplest form of sugar. Carbohydrates that contain fiber, nutrients, and other processed will slowly in the stomach. But this is different from simple carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates that do not contain fiber and nutrients will be quickly processed by the body that makes you hungry faster. Various kinds of simple carbohydrates such as juice, cookies, breads, pizza, candy, soft drinks, energy drinks, etc. Better if more emphasis intake of complex carbohydrates, such as tubers, nuts, brown rice, and others.
Give intake of protein.
Get more protein makes our stomachs produce less ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. A research has shown that the study of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. This study also shows, people feel full faster and not hungry, so it’s easy to lose weight when their protein intake of more than 30 percent. Just add servings of fish, eggs, beef, soy, or yoghurt to increase the protein intake.
Drinking water.
Water can eliminate all the toxins from the body. With multiply the consumption of water, we can prevent dehydration and disease. The disease can make you eat more calories so it can make your weight go up. Water can also make full and not easily feel hungry quickly, slim without diet will be accomplished with ease.
Expand green vegetables.
Increase consumption of vegetables and fresh greens, such as kale, spinach, cabbage, etc. Combine the vegetables in a salad, but avoid fatty salad. Combine only with olive oil, vinegar, or lemon juice.
Control emotions.
Feelings and emotions are very related to food, eating habits and eating mood. If our mood is down, all healthy eating plans can be ruined. So, make a plan and make sure we really pay attention to what, when, and why we should eat. Do not let emotions and moods ruin our healthy diet and ruin your plans to lose weight. If emotions can not be controlled, it is difficult to realize slim without diet.
Scientifically, obesity is caused by consuming more calories than are required by the body. The cause of the imbalance between calorie intake with calorie burning is still unclear. But if we can hold calorie intake to no excessive, we will avoid obesity. Slim without diet also no longer wishful thinking, this is Herbal Life Healthy way. Slim without dieting? Probably.

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